Saurav Bhattacharya
1 min read4 days ago

Looking Within.

What is it exactly? Say, you are a person that is successful, career-wise, health-wise, family-wise. You have all the possessions and property, that a few human beings can only dream of. You have money, fame, social status, influence, high demand, and impact on the world. Everything is yours.




Would you still be missing something? Mortality, perhaps? Well, let’s say, Bryan Johnson of Don’t Die figures out the immortality potion, and you live forever too!

Would you then feel comfortable with complete?




Or would it be still unsatisfactory, unfulfilling, incomplete, amiss, something-not-right, still? We are all too familiar all of us of this “hole in our heart”, that causes use all suffering and misery. Most probably this feeling would stay with you, even when you have reached the pinnacles of “societal success”. Nobody frankly except you would care if you are feeling empty inside, as long as you are demonstrating externally of being in control and being successful at it. No one but you are the only one responsible to fill that void in you, strive to become free of validation, and awaken.




And it starts with you taking a first step: look within.

Saurav Bhattacharya

I think and write about complexity, consciousness, wisdom, beauty and love.